Nutri Multi Essentials – Men’s 30 tabs
A premium multivitamin and mineral formula with targeted plant-based phytochemicals for men. It provides extra zinc and selenium and is iron free to specifically suit men’s unique nutritional requirements. In addition it provides phytosterols and lycopene.
Premium One-A-Day Multivitamin and Mineral for Men. MenÕs Multi Essentials is a premium multivitamin/mineral formula with targeted plant-based phytochemicals for men. It provides extra zinc and selenium and is iron free to specifically suit menÕs unique nutritional requirements. In addition it provides phytosterols and lycopene for extra antioxidant, prostate and cardiovascular support. Provides 130mg of phytosterols to help maintain a healthy prostate. Features 5mg of lycopene to support a healthy prostate and cardiovascular system. Contains 25mg of zinc and extra selenium to support reproductive health. Is free from iron due to reduced requirements and higher risk of iron overload in men. Provides 1000iu vitamin D3 per tablet. Vitamin D is helpful for supporting cellular health, immune function and healthy inflammatory processes, as well as supporting bone health. Contains 200mg of vitamin E per tablet. Vitamin E helps to protect against damage caused by excess free radicals, especially in cell membranes and other fat-containing areas of the body. Provides good levels of zinc, as well as selenium, manganese and copper, which are all cofactors in the bodyÕs enzymes that provide endogenous antioxidant protection. Provides high potency, balanced B vitamins, with extra B12 and 400mcg folic acid. Features vitamin K2, an essential vitamin for supporting bone health.