Lamberts MultiGuard OsteoAdvance 120 tabs
New premium three-a-day multi formula, MultiGuard OsteoAdvance.
Lamberts strongly believe that a multi vitamin and mineral formula should not be a compromise on nutrient levels and so we always include amounts that are relevant and surpass most other multis. The difficulty has always been with the two essential bone health macro minerals, calcium and magnesium, since these are required in large amounts that make it impossible to fit them into a one-a-day-formula. Until nowÉ Now you can use this new premium three-a-day multi formula, MultiGuard OsteoAdvance, that provides calcium and magnesium at levels simply not found in so-called Ôhigh strengthÕ multis. In addition to a full 800mg of calcium and 300mg of magnesium per daily intake, it also provides excellent levels of all the important micronutrients, including a broad spectrum of trace minerals as well as superb levels of the heart protecting B vitamins and the antioxidant vitamins C and E. Plus it includes exciting plant compounds such as turmeric, lutein, grape seed and green tea, all of which are highly regarded by Nutritionists as possessing important protective functions in the body.